Guard Booth Bullet Resistant
Bullet Resistant Guardhouse Model #812BR3 R2B
Guard Booth for CitiField - Home of the New York Mets
This great looking and functional 8'x12' bullet resisting guardhouse is bullet-resistant and sits at one of the baseball player entrances. Featuring standing seam metal roof and brick exterior (by others) it also has double swinging doors, wall mounted heat pump, tinted glazing, and Little Buildings "Colonial" style exterior. Good product for use as an Access Control Point (ACP).
The Colonial series includes the standing seam roof, recessed lower wall panels (optional brick shown), recessed countertop, and muntins over the glazed areas. Choose your level of bullet resistance from our threat level chart available.
Designed to meet the customer's exact needs, Little Buildings worked with the owner, architect, and security departments to make sure the building best fit their operation. We would like to work with you on your next project needing a Little Building! Good for use at an access control point or overwatch booth.