Guard House Bullet Resistant UL 752 Level I 5' X 6'
Guard House Bullet Resistant Model #LB 56BR1,
Guard House Bullet Resistant - There is no such thing as "bulletproof" because there is always a bigger bullet. However, there are bullet-resistant levels that are established by UL that mandates what type of bullet each level should withstand. From Level I small arms up to assault rifle Level VIII, our little buildings can be ordered to different protection levels to meet your needs.
Built for the military, the pictured unit is a slightly modified standard building. It has the sliding door in the rear rather than the side, Built of tough welded steel, the unit will withstand multiple shots from a 9mm handgun. Sizes are available up to 10' x 24' with ballistic ratings up to Underwriters Laboratories UL752 Level 8. Contact us for a quote for your installation!
Guard Shacks with a Restroom