Guard Shack Little Buildings

Guard Shack Little Buildings #LB812 standard unit with sliding door

guard shack Little Buildings 8'x12'

Guard Shack Little Buildings #LB812

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Guard shack Little Buildings model #812 with sliding door.  Standard features include 3" canopy overhang, 4" elevated treadplate floor, clear tempered safety glass, insulated walls and ceiling, the paint color of choice, work counter with storage drawer, LED light with wall switch, heater, wall plug, and wiring to a wall-mounted circuit breaker box with disconnect.  Options shown include forklift slots in the base, air conditioning, operating windows. 

Each Little Building guard shack starts from scratch so we can easily rearrange the layout to meet your needs.  Ask us for a sketch that you can mark up and send back for a quotation on exactly what you need!.  See our brochure and color chart on our website. Fill out the form to request information or call us toll-free at (888) 55-BOOTH.

Some optional features may be shown.

The Benefits of a Guard Shack

Guard Shack Little Buildings #LB812 standard unit with sliding door Guard Shack Little Buildings #LB812
Guard Shack Little Buildings Model #LB812 8'x12 Guard Shack Little Buildings #LB812 8'X12'

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