Prefabricated Control Booth from Little Buildings

Prefabricated Control Booth 13'x13' two-piece


This prefabricated control booth from Little Buildings was built in two pieces with no floor to fit around our customer's existing numerical control equipment.  Painted blue to match this automotive company's color scheme.  Lighting and air conditioner were built in.

Glazing in this prefabricated control booth was insulated glass to help reduce ambient plant noise.  Swinging steel door included vision window, heavy-duty hardware, and hydraulic closer.  Walls and ceiling insulated with fiberglass insulation.  Anchor tabs allow the fastening of the building in place.

Shipped by a flatbed truck there are lifting ring(s) in the roof and prefabricated control booths with base/floor can include forklift slots for unloading or relocating.

Useful Applications for Prefabricated Control Booths

Prefabricated Control Booth from Little Buildings Prefabricated Control Booth 13'x13' two modules.
Prefabricated Control Booth in factory Prefabricated Control Booth inside plant
Prefabricated Control Booth being unloaded from truck by customer Prefabricated Control Booth unloading by customer

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