Parking Booth 6' x 8'

CASHIER BOOTH Ribbed exterior and double canopy make this a great looking unit!

Parking Booth Model #68CHC Dane

Parking or Guard Booth 6' x 8'

Looking for something a little different?  We can help you with this idea.  This unit was designed by an architect and built by Little Buildings. We have plenty of ideas that we can incorporate into other buildings.  These units pictured are used for car rental booths at an airport or a CONRAC facility  

Needed in a hurry, Little Buildings was able to meet the customer's delivery schedule in time for the ribbon-cutting ceremony at the airport for both the new parking garage exit parking booths and the rental car companies.  

Featuring custom exterior ribs and special glass treatments ensured that these parking booths or cashier booths did not look ordinary like some competitor's buildings. Double canopy fascias, two-tone paint, and anodized aluminum give these buildings a great look.

We can build this design for you or something special to meet your design scheme. Give us a call today and see what we can do for you! Phone: 1-888-55-BOOTH (1-888-552-6684) EMAIL:

Cashier booth walk up with cashier window and exterior stainless steel shelf Cashier Booth 6' x 8' Dane on site
CASHIER BOOTH Ribbed exterior and double canopy make this a great looking unit! Cashier Booth 6'x8' CONRAC
Guard House totally assembled and shipped by truck! Guard House or Walk up cashier booth for CONRAC
Parking Booth CONRAC type PARKING BOOTH Conrac Consolidate Car Rental Facility Booths

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Little Buildings Guard Booth & Security Booth Products: Guard Booth | Guard House | Guard Shacks | Prefabricated Control Booth | Parking Booth | Ticket Booth | Cashier | Bullet Resistant | Smoking Booth | Bus Top | Trailers | Stand Mounted | Restroom | Pay on Foot Lane

Guard Booth, Security Booth, Guard House, Bullet Resistant Guard Booth, Guard Shack, Ticket Booth, Smoking Shelter | Guard Booths for Sale | Security Booths for Sale | Little Buildings prefab guard booths or portable security booths are factory assembled guard buildings. Little Buildings design team has designed the highest quality guard booth design. We have a security booth for sale!