Discover the benefits of Upgrading an Outdated Guard Booth, security booth, guard house, guard shack and guard shelter. Little Buildings guard booths are prefabricated and portable.
Discover the 4 benefits of purchasing a prefabricate guard booth, also known as prefab guard booth, security booth, guard house, guard shack, guard shelter or guard building.
Cashier booths are used in a variety of different settings: highway tolls, parking structures, marinas and boat launches, car washes, airports, and more.
If you own a business and have been thinking about installing a smoking designated area outdoors, look no further than the galvanized steel smoking rooms designed by Little Buildings, Inc.!
Prefabricated control booths are the premier choice for many different purposes, such as security booths, relocatable in-plant offices, rooms for test labs and health screenings, video monitor booths and assembly booths for plants.
Not only does Little Buildings, Inc. have the answers to all your security needs, we offer a variety of additional features that get the best bang for your buck in your new little building.
Good quality bus shelters are essential parts of any urban mass-transit system. From the point of view of the city that manages bus stops, these shelters should require low maintenance and be resistant to vandalism.
Ticket booths are most often used to welcome guests to an event or place of business. First impressions are everything, and a high-quality ticket booth from Little Buildings will surely impress. Installing a ticket booth or ticket sales booth will assure your guests that you prioritize quality in your business.
As businesses grow and prosper, security on your commercial property becomes an increasingly pressing issue. Instead of taking up real estate in your main building, the experts at Little Buildings, Inc. recommend adding a portable steel building for guards to improve your security measures.
Do you need additional ticket windows or have a venue away from your main ticketing location? We have a ticket booth for sale just for you! When you need to get a lot of people in their seats quickly, a ticket booth from Little Buildings, Inc. is your answer. Our quality assembly practices assure the unit will stand up to years of rugged, demanding service.
Guard Booth, Security Booth, Guard House, Bullet Resistant Guard Booth, Guard Shack, Ticket Booth, Smoking Shelter | Guard Booths for Sale | Security Booths for Sale | Little Buildings prefab guard booths or portable security booths are factory assembled guard buildings. Little Buildings design team has designed the highest quality guard booth design. We have a security booth for sale!